Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Solar politics, or lack thereof....

One of the best things about solar is that it is (or should be) apolitical. While I'm reasonably political, interest in solar is popular with more than progressive green types... it also has a huge following with conservatives who believe in free market solutions (as opposed to regulated monopolies) and self reliance (e.g. "preppers") and others who simply believe it makes sense to save money. I'm disappointed when the conversation about solar and renewable energy sometimes degrades into a political debate about Climate Change and so forth. Whether man-made Climate Change is real (it is), it doesn't really matter that much. If you are interested in solar, that's fine if you disagree with my views! Long term, solar will become more important in our country and throughout the world. We'll need more power.

In the meantime, solar isn't the only solution, but it's a part of it. Full disclosure... I invest in solar, but also in traditional utilities. I recognize that utilities aren't the enemy, they're definitely part of the solution. But today, they're unfortunately sometimes fighting progress with every tool in their arsenal, which too often involves political noise. Not surprising. Nobody likes change, I guess (especially entrenched businesses like utilities).

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