I often read stories about solar (or green energy in general), with inevitable reader comments appearing at the end complaining that solar power wouldn't be as popular and affordable as it is without subsidies. The ultimate conclusion of these commenters is that because of subsidies, solar is bad.
If subsidies make solar bad, then let's be fair about it. Just for example, we maintain massive subsidies for oil... If not for our
naval presence (i.e. subsidy) ensuring the free flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz, world oil prices would be much higher. My solar panels don't require a US naval carrier group to ensure the free flow of sunlight to my rooftop system.
I'm a realist... I'm not proposing we pull out of the Strait of Hormuz or end other subsidies for oil. Without it, the world would suffer enormously. But let's also be realistic when comparing or condemning solar subsidies. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need to subsidize anything. But until we reach that perfect world, subsidies for solar aren't out of line.